Saturday, February 19, 2011
OMG Brad Pitt!! Why do I care?
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Celeb Mysteries: The Addiction Continues
So, the snow has been cleared off the roads for the most part, and our mail has been coming regularly. However, I still didn't get my OK! Magazine until Wednesday. I have a problem with this. It just makes it that much harder to not buy it, or any other gossip magazines at the store. I haven’t bought any, mostly because I know my roommate would be mad that I’m “wasting my money” on them. They’re definitely not a waste of money.
As much as I love my gossip magazines and celebrity gossip blogs and tweets and everything, they confuse me. There are so many stories out there about celebrities, and a lot of them are conflicting. One week Khloe Kardashian is pregnant and the next week she’s not. I know pregnancy rumors are as common as journalists in Columbia, MO, but I don’t understand how magazines get away with printing it one week and then saying a star isn’t pregnant the next week. Someone sees a star in baggy clothes, or the star gains five pounds and, BAM they’re pregnant. Just get the facts right before you announce someone’s pregnant, because I totally freak out when I see a Hollywood pregnancy. Hard to believe, I know. I have read that Khloe and her husband Lamar Odom are getting their own reality show, and it will follow the couple through their pregnancy. Guess we'll find out when we see the commercials on E!
There are a lot of celebrity stories out there I just don’t know the answers to, which is extremely frustrating to me. I read one thing online, and then a magazine says the complete opposite. Let’s call these stories: Celeb Mysteries.
One of my guiltiest pleasures when it comes to Celeb Mysteries is the Selena Gomez/Justin Bieber phenomenon. First of all, I think if and when it finally comes out that they are officially dating, the microcosm that is tweens will explode and life will never be the same as we know it. Selena Gomez has already gotten death threats via twitter from Bielbers. And Selena Gomez is one of the most likeable celebs out there. People are crazy. And I recognize that I fit into the crazy category, but not to the extent of some people out there. They haven’t said they’re dating, I think because she’s 18 and he’s 16, but the pictures speak for themselves.
Another couple that I don’t understand is Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal. I know they dated and then broke up, and she was devastated and will hopefully write a song about that describes my feelings towards men. Okay, let’s get back on track…after they broke up, Jake took someone else to the Golden Globes, and reportedly got cozy with numerous females that night. Then shortly after the Globes, there’s a report saying he and Taylor Swift were spotted together and they were getting back together. Then, you hear nothing about either of them for a week and he’s dating Carey Mulligan and it seems as though Taylor Swift has fallen off the face of the earth. Are they? Aren’t they? Where did Carey Mulligan come from? Where is Taylor Swift? These are the small details that I’m dying to know.
These are just a few of the many Celeb Mysteries I don’t understand and want the answers to. I know rumors are the same in high school and Hollywood. They come from nowhere without any explanation and suddenly the entire world knows. I just wish people knew all of the facts before reporting something, so they don’t contradict themselves the next day or the next week. I guess that’s just the journalist in me!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Update on Some Obsessions

I was hooked on orange juice for a while. Seriously. Luckily the great blizzard of 2011 came and made it impossible for me to get to the store. Cannot buy anymore orange juice.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
My Name is Ally Bird...and I Have a Problem
It's true. I have a problem and I recognize it. It's a difficult problem to explain though. I'm an addict. I'm addicted to being addicted. Seems confusing, right? I'll try to explain.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Go Outside the Lines
I listened to a WGBH Morning Story recently. I love these stories. I like how each story is a feature and they focus on one person. They people they find are so interesting and I always want to be able to talk to them more. I hope that someday I can have sources like that, and leave the audience wanting more.